Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

By proclamation of Me, I am hearby alerting all who read this blog--or even those who don't, so tell your friends and family--that tomorrow is National "Me" Day.

You see, in my estimation, "me" gets far too little attention these days. I know. I'm spending all day today looking for answers as to why I've been feeling, well, like crap, for the last month or so. Halfway through the day, it occurred to me that it was not O.K. that it had taken me so long to put on the brakes, focus on me and start asking questions. Why is that? Why do we do that?

Well, whatever the reason, it stops tomorrow. Tomorrow is about focusing on our "me"ness. How you choose to honor that is up to you. I am going to treat myself to a big-ass fountain Pepsi, schedule a pedicure, watch whatever TV show I want, cook whatever I want for dinner instead of what my kids will eat, and maybe some other things.

Whatever you decide to do, just do it. Promise me. We deserve it, cause we're awesome.


  1. Well said! I hope your day is all that you need it to be.

  2. Well, I have to take of non-me things for my mom's estate tomorrow, but since I have your permission, I PROMISE to still find a way to fit in some ME-ness time. You rock, Susan.


In Search of Healing

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