Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Hard Looking Back

Last night, Maddie and Alex pulled out some old videos from when they were little. Mark and I willingly joined them on the couch. God, how fast time has gone. We laughed at their antics, their outfits and my hair.

And the whole time, I sat there thinking, "I miss that person"--minus the bad hair. In the videos I laughed, I ran with the kids, I helped build a shed. That's what sucks the most about being sick, is that I remember what it was like to not be sick. I remember what it feels like to wake up in the morning with energy. I remember what it's like to not feel "broken" all the time. I remember having the strength and energy to throw my kids up in the air. And I miss it...a lot. I miss the old me.

Of all the struggles I've faced with this disease, that's the one I can't seem to master or get past. I try to accept my new reality, but most days it's a real struggle. I try not to give in to the hopelessness. I try to do the things recommended for staving off what sometimes feels like the inevitable, I just can't. You would think that after 10 years I would be there. I'm not.

But I'll keep trying. Maybe someday soon I'll find that person again, or learn to love the one I've become. Guess the adventure continues.

In Search of Healing

The other day I was watching Kris Carr's documentary Crazy, Sexy, Cancer . In it, there is one line in particular that speaks to me. She...