Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sometimes You Can't Go Back...

And sometimes you just shouldn't. I was thinking of this the other night when our family went to the library. As I was looking for a good book to read, I came across my all-time favorite book. I haven't read it in years, so I snatched it off the shelf and hurried to check it out.

When I got home I mentally prepared to dive into this classic. And then I remembered the banana debacle.

For years, I used to tell Mark about how when I was a Girl Scout we used to make these amazing Banana Boat desserts when we would go camping. I explained how they were the most amazing dessert....ever.

You have to try it, I told him. He bedgrudgingly agreed--as he so often does. So we made them. And in one bite my childhood began to unravel. Do you have any idea how incredibly gross a warm mushy banana with scorch marks on it is? Even if you do cram it full of chocolate chips and marshmallows.

So now I'm scared to death to turn to that first page. I'm afraid it won't be as good, or that after all these years I'll see things in a completely different light.

But part of my new journey has been about pushing forward--despite my doubts and fears. So I'm digging into the book. The banana boats, though, I'm perfectly happy leaving in my past.

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