Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We Interrupt This Programming...

To bring you the following rant:

I woke up this morning feeling, like, well crap. That's not unusual. Most mornings are like that. In fact, most days are like that. If you asked me the last time I felt good, I'm not sure I could answer that. I don't like it. I don't like anything about the way things are going these days with this damn disease. I'm confused, I'm frustrated. No, quite frankly, I'm pissed. From the get go I understood that MS was a tricky disease. Everyone is different. No two cases are alike. Sure, there are similarities, but for the most part your reality will not be the same as the person standing next to you with the same disease.

So what that means is there are no easy, one-size-fits-all answers...for anything. So getting a read on what I'm supposed to do to try and not feel like I've been hit by a truck everyday has proven challenging. To give you an idea what I'm up against, this is kinda how it goes on a pretty regular basis.

Doctor: Take this medicine to battle fatigue and wake your brain up.
Me: Sounds good.
Doctor: Now take this one to sloooow your brain down to prevent seizures.
Me: Um, OK?

Experts: Cut down on caffeine.
Me: Check.
Same experts: Drink caffeine to fight the fatigue.
Me: Huh?

Every piece of MS literature: Exercise.
Me: Check.
Same literature: Rest.
Me: Um, but you just said....

Experts: Get enough sleep.
Me: Yes!
Same #***ing experts: But not too much.

So you kinda get the idea. So on any given day, if I seem out of sorts, please be patient with me. I'm just busy trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing to make it through the day.

We now return you to your regular programming.

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