Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I like to consider myself a pretty strong and flexible person. I try to roll with the punches, adapt and take things a day at a time. With this disease you have to, whether you like it or not. But sometimes it's just too much...like yesterday.

As I mentioned in a previous post, recently I've been having some funky episodes. I went to the neurologist for an EEG--from which I'm still trying to get the glue out of my hair--to try and get some answers for said episodes. Well, as I found out at my appointment, apparently there's a more technical term for those episodes. They're called seizures. This type of thing shows up in about 3 percent of people with MS. Hot damn, I'm an overachiever even with my disease.

So I start another round of drugs, which I have to titrate over the course of the next 8 weeks. Go ahead, look it up. You'll feel smarter, like I did yesterday. I'll wait.......

Oh, OK, I'll tell you. It means I have to build it up in my system. By the end of the eight weeks, I'll be taking four pills in the morning and four in the afternoon. Fun, right? Mark said he's going to get me a nice little pill box and bedazzle it for me. God love him. He always knows just how to make me smile when it's the last thing on earth I want to do.

I'm sure in time I'll adjust to this new challenge. I've done it before. But for now I'm pissed...and frustrated...and sad...and so many other things. So please be patient with me. Apparently I'm a work in progress.


  1. Continued prayers for you my wonderfully whitty friend. Your ability to still show humor and a very slight sense of sarcasm amaze me!! Kick it's butt girl :)

  2. I love your writing Sue! I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Even if my soul is questionable! lol


In Search of Healing

The other day I was watching Kris Carr's documentary Crazy, Sexy, Cancer . In it, there is one line in particular that speaks to me. She...